some new stuff in progress!

 Here are a few of the smaller pieces I've been working on.  Again, you'll just have to get over camera phone pix.  These are all works in progress, but they're still coming from the same general point of departure in terms of content.  These are also all on wooden panel, so they'll have a nice smooth surface that will let a lot of small detail shine through.

Despite my current physical limitations keeping me from working larger scale, I'm really having fun with these.

I've also been doing some of these in oil paint and stand oil.  They're likely to be a long time in the making however from the stand oil.  If I can get a good one this way, I'll be stoked.


three here in a group, top one belongs to my three year old... she has a great time painting with her daddy.


this one is going to come out really good.

detail of the ink work surrounding the elipse.

signs of some nice line work to come as she gets older...

more tools
I'm kind of messy, no?


action painter.

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